
How the Victorian $20 Million Dollar Small Business Digital Adaptation Program and T.E.S can help your business grow. tyack-ecomm-solutions

What is the Small Business Digital Adaptation Program

The last 6 months have been tough, especially in Victoria and businesses have felt the full force of Covid19. It has an an immense impact on small to medium businesses. However, there is help on the way.

The Victorian Govenment has announced the $20 Million Dollar Small Business Digital Adaptation Program which will help Melbourne and Victorian businesses get back on top and adapt to the changing digital world around them and pivot their business to an online format.

The program is designed to provide $20 Million Dollars in assisance to Sole Traders and Small Businesses to help pivot into the online world using a range of services which Tyack Ecommerce Solutions provides.

Almost launched, the program is set to change the way we do business forever. Luckily T.E.S are Shopify Partners and Experts in this field to help get your store online.

Whether you are a serivce based business, Sole Trader or retailer. We can start preparing your business plan so you are ready to go when the $20 Million Dollar Government Adpation Package drops (at any minute).

Lets get your business back on track together. Send us a message at today and lets plan out your digital future.

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