Why start an online store in 2020... tyack-ecomm-solutions

Why start an online store in 2020...

, by Mathew Tyack, 1 min reading time

Ok, so it's been a bit of a clusterf$&k of a year, we get it. But, what it has given us and will for some time is an amazing opportunity to work on projects we may not normally have time for. Our team have worked on everything from learning new languages to starting their own side hustles selling online. And, there has been no better time. 

Sales in ecommerce and online retail in have skyrocket and predicted to keep trending this way for many years to come. Check out some of these stats:

(Data from statista.com and wearedigital.com 2020)

  • In 2020 revenue in the Ecommerce industry in Australia is predicted to hit AU35 Billion
  • In 2022 this is set to increase to over 40 Billion
  • In Australia, customers spend an average of $1732 a year online on ecommerce purchases.
  • 84% of Australians are searching for products online each month.
  • 70% of us will make at least one purchase per month.
  • The increase YoY which is trending shows great strength in deciding to start an ecommerce business moving into 2021 

It's easy to see why more and more people want to set up an online store and start a little side hustle. This is how big ideas become BIG realities.

Now is the time. Stop thinking and start doing. Actions speak louder than words and only you can set your destiny to be greater than you already are.

If you need an hand or just some simple inspiration then send us an email and we will get back to you! Contact@tyackecommsolutions.com.au.

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